CALL TO ORDER: 8:10 President, Melanie Fernandez J4VCT Opened the meeting

Members Present Melanie Fernandez, Jeff Stahl, Ricki Witte, Jeff Ronner, Ricky Eaton, Joe McGee & Roy Neiman

SECRETARY NOTES: Next Board Meeting early April

Member’s Responsibilities:

Mike: Absent (in hospital). Working on Facebook Page.

Joe McGee: We scored 4500 points on Winter Field day, even though only a few hours were active due to the weather. We placed 110 out of 240. He suggested that the Club purchase Radio(s) & Antennas for our Field Days. Joe has the room at Wings Plus scheduled on March 23rd. 7 to 9 PM Note: There is no guarantee that we’ll have the room to ourselves.

Ricky: Write up a “Wish List” for the Repeater(s) He and Eric are planning to install a “Hard Line” ASAP. This will provide more reliability & minimal line loss. Eric is travelling overseas, so April installation is realistic. Linking the repeaters is expensive, so will table for now. Ricky is looking for used on the Internet.

Roy: When advised by members, send sympathy or get well cards to the family. Also, send cards to Hams that are sick or in the Hospital. Roy needs to create a Job Description.

Jeff Stahl: When possible, meet with John Cole Melanie to work on web site. Also, get Phone numbers & Emails of all who test. Jeff Stahl obvious candidate to talk to Robin and Carol regarding the Imperial Point situation and the Broward repeater with regards to the EOC designation of an emergency repeater. Robin was going to linmkm into John Knox (GCARA) repeater as a back up this year.

Ricki: is to investigate a better type of Non-profit label that fits our group better.

Jeff Ronner: tendered his resignation from the Board if acceptable to all due to his time constraints and other obligations. He will instead, donate time to the Repeater team. Melanie to seek a replacement for PIO slot. Possible candidate Mike Wolf. Mel will discuss with Mike since he also has a time issue with his new job and has experience in the PIO arena. He is also doing FB.

GENERAL: For the Imperial Point problem of NO antenna or Radio with which to support the EOC, Jeff Stahl will coordinate solution with Carol Sjursen and Robin Terrill. Races will staff Imperial Point with trained ham operators to meet qualifications required by EOC operations.

As for John Knox, Joe McGee to coordinate with the gentleman who lives at John Knox and is an experienced ham operator to cover the site in hurricanes. Joe McGee to provide back up if necessary.Melanie Fernandez to be third back up.

Sunshine Committee: To keep in contact with new Hams

Repeater Committee: Consists of: Ricky, Jeff Stahl & Jeff Ronner. Erik W4EJO is also interested in learning about the Repeater.

MEETING ADJOURNED: The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 AM EST by President, Melanie Fernandez, KJ4VCT.

Respectfully submitted by Roy Neiman KJ4EGN, Secretary.


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