7:40 President, Melanie Fernandez KJ4VCT & lead the Pledge of Allegiance

SPEAKER THIS MONTH: Chuck Gress K3NXH & Rick Eaton KD4HGR Together, they presented the various aspects of FT 8 Digital Program. Very little power is required. Also Rick said his antenna is in the attic & performs well. Chuck showed his home system running in real time, showing many QSO’s that were in process.

ROLL CALL:                                  
There were 34 in attendance.


The 50/50 was won by Melanie KJ4VCT.

The March Minutes were approved by all present.

A motion was made to approve the amended By-laws by Al Flapen  and seconded by Ralph Tullo. The motion passed.

Erik Olmer explained the difference in the “Group” & General Facebook pages.

Joe McGee outlined the plans for the June 22nd & 23rd Field Day. He stressed that it IS a competition & that last year we were in the “middle of the Pack.” He & Jeff Stahl plan to enter as a 3A this time, meaning that we will have 3 operating stations. Rick will handle the Digital station. Joe, again stressed that more operators are needed. Erik agreed to be the Safety Officer. Mike will handle the media. Kenny will monitor the VHF. Joe warned that the hood over the grill is a real danger and we will address it this year.

Ricki Witte mentioned that dues would be prorated and gave an example.


Given by Ricki Witte. $3931.47 is the current balance.


Will be given at the next meeting.

VE Report:                                                                                                                                           

Jeff Stahl tested two. One passed, upgraded to General.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: There will be a Safety Fest in Margate on Saturday, April 27 from 11 AM to 5 PM

Tee shirts will be ordered, so see Mike to place your order & make payment.

On May 18 The “Eye of the storm” will be presented at the Museum of Discovery and Science.

Carol Sjursen mentioned that the EOC will have a test to determine which repeaters that most Hams can reach.


The 146.61 Repeater is getting some kind of intermittent interference. Hopefully Rick & Eric can locate it. The temporary antenna is in a different position on the building. It flexes in the wind, which distorts the signal pattern. The DMR Repeater is working well.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM EDT by President, Melanie Fernandez, KJ4VCT.

Respectfully submitted by Roy Neiman KJ4EGN, Secretary.

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