Call to Order: 7:32 PM
President Melanie Fernandez, KJ4VCT, called the meeting to order and lead the members in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call:
Roll call of the entire membership present was given. Thirty-four (34) people were in attendance.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting on May 28, 2019 were approved as they appeared on the website.

Treasurer’s Report:
Ricki Witte, KJ4FSJ, gave the Treasure’s Report

Membership Report:
There is a paid membership of 79 people so far this year. About half are ARRL members.

Testing Report:
Three people took the test and 2 passed

Repeater Report:
Ricky Eaton, KD4HGR, TRUSTEE, gave us the updated report for the repeater projects being worked on. The Boca site will be serviced in the upcoming months. The new 146.61 antenna is expected to be in and installed by next month. Plans are being made to get a 6 meter antenna to go with the 6 meter repeater that was donated to the club by Eric Rodriguez, KF4LZA, of our repeater team.

Webmaster Report:
John Cole, N1QFH is on vacation, so no report is expected until September.

Call for Old Business: Mike Wolf, K2HXC gave out the club shirts.

Announcements: Field Day was a great success. Thanks to the hard work and organization of Joe McGee NX4T, Jeff Stahl K4BH, Dan Vasilca AI4WW and Ricky Eaton KD4HGR. We made about 3864 points. More details to come.

Thanks to Erik Olmer, Carol Sjursen and Mike Wolfe for handling the advertising, which resulted in an outstanding attendance. Elmo from Sesame Street attended, as well as, Coco the K-9.
Melanie, Ricki, Ralph and Sherry did a great job handling the food.
Richard Trowell of the Palmetto Club furnished deserts. Melanie thanked all of the other members that participated.

The quarterly dinner at Wings Plus will be on Saturday July 13th. A wrap up and discussion regarding Field Day will be the discussed.

Melanie suggested that we pray for Frank Baker and Barry Porter and hope they get better soon.

50/50 Raffle:
The raffle was won by Joe McGee NX4T He returned the money to the Treasury. Joe also won a gift certificate for $30.00 Dan Vasilca AI4WW won the $50.00 gift certificate. The AnyTone DMR radio was won by Jim Gallagher KN4RGG.

SPEAKER: Robert Molleda gave another very interesting presentation. He explained the various aspects of predicting, tracking and damage caused by Hurricanes. He stressed that the “Cone” may not react as one would expect.

The speaker was thanked and the meeting was adjourned at 9:08PM.

Respectfully submitted by Secretary Roy Neiman KJ4EGN

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