CALL TO ORDER: 8:12 President, Melanie Fernandez J4VCT Opened the meeting Members Present Melanie Fernandez, Jeff Stahl, Ricki Witte, Rick Eaton, Joe McGee and Roy Neiman. Resource: Carol Sjursen. She said we gained lots of interest from Field Day. Carol needs to confirm the dates for the Winter and June Field Days at Quiet Waters Park.
SECRETARY NOTES: Melanie: We need to choose a moneymaking project. Raffle of Ham equipment and Radio, accessories are possibilities. Joe McGee has some donated equipment that we can sell. He will give a list to Melanie. We’ll need to have a nominating committee. All the current officers have agreed to stay on, with the exception of Ricki Witte. We hope to have a Fall Picnic with a Fox Hunt. Plans to be made later. Requests have been made to use the W4BUG by some individuals that are contesting. It was decided that the Board should be involved in the approval process. Rick: The new antenna is here. Rick and Eric will need some way to transport as it’s 26 ft. long. They plan to have 2 people on the ground and he and Eric on top of the building, using a rope to pull it up outside of the building. They are reasonably sure that they can’t take it up inside the building. The noise problem is caused by something in the John Knox building. The Boca Repeater site has had some personnel changes. Rick needs to establish who has access to our repeater. Joe McGee: Agreed to spearhead the Winter Field Day again, along with Jeff Stahl and Dan on January 25th of 2020. We’ll run a simpler version this time, using FPL power and no beam antenna, since it’s a one day affair.
MEETING ADJOURNED: The meeting was adjourned at 9:24 AM EST by President, Melanie Fernandez, KJ4VCT. Respectfully submitted by Roy Neiman KJ4EGN, Secretary.