Melanie, Jeff Stahl, Ricki Witte, Ricky Eaton, Roy and Joe McGee
Guest: Carol Sjursen
Mike Wolfe was excused due to work.
Call to Order: 3 PM
President Melanie Fernandez, KJ4VCT
Repeater Report:
Ricky Eaton, KD4HGR, TRUSTEE, Mentioned that the Christmas lights are going up, so we’ll have some noise on the Repeater.
Announcements: Carol Sjursen suggested that everyone should pick their spot for the Boat Parade being held on December 14.
Winter Field Day: January 25th This will be simpler this time. No Beam antenna, only easily erected ones. Maybe smaller generators.
We will work the station until 8 PM. We have to vacate the site by 10 PM. Joe and Jeff will head the disassembly of the equipment.
Melanie needs someone to take over handling the food for the various activities. She will bring the credit card and pay. Jerry W4LST and Steve W4NQR agreed to do the heavy lifting. Melanie will also bring it up at the meeting to see if others will volunteer.
Ricki still has no current information regarding the Tax number.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:26PM.
Respectfully submitted by Secretary Roy Neiman KJ4EGN