12:36 PM President, Melanie Fernandez J4VCT Opened the meeting held at the home of Joe McGee NX4T at 1341 NE 27th
Way in Pompano Beach, FL.
Members Present
Melanie Fernandez, Jeff Stahl, Rick Eaton, Joe McGee, Erik Olmer and Roy Neiman.
Mike Wolf was absent.
Resources: Jerry Deitch, Chuck Gress, Ricki Witte and Carol Sjursen
Rick: The new antenna will be installed when the wind is calmer. Rick and Eric are also checking to see if the 61 antenna can be moved to a better position to provide better coverage to the west. The output is 100 watts at present.
The DMR Repeater is working well.
The Boca Repeater site has had some personnel changes. Rick needs to establish who can gain access to our repeater. At present, we are at their mercy. The repeater overheated when the Boca Club used it for their nets while their repeater was down.
Joe McGee: Agreed to work out the technical aspects of the June Field Day again with Dan Vasilca . Dan’s initial plans passed out and discussed. Jeff Stahl, Ricki and Chuck will work as a committee to support the plan on Field Day this June 27 and 28, 2020. We will have 3 transmitters. Joe and Kenny will bring generators. Erik will handle the GOTA station that Jeff will provide. The GOTA must have its own call sign.
Chuck Gress will handle the VHF and Satellite contacts. Rick and Chuck will do PSK31 and RTTY.
Melanie and Carol will secure Quiet Waters Park.
Carol will chair the Publicity Team.
Melanie suggests Banners, rather than signs. The existing signs are too small. Where to locate and how to get permission to hang to be determined.
Jerry Deitch will head up the food committee along with help with Steve Martin, Mike Wolf and Erik Olmer.
We lost money on the winter field day. We will Email a Survey to the club to determine the best way to handle the food, which continues to be a challenge to plan for without waste. (Ala Carte, Bring your own, etc.)
Dinner Dates at Wings Plus
March 7th at 7PM
May 23rd at 7PM
July 18th at 7PM
October 3 at 7PM
Vista View Picnics
April 18th at 9 to 4
November 7th at 9 to 4
How do we get into Broward Schools to introduce Ham Radio? Per Jeff it is very difficult as it’s not part of the curriculum. Security is another matter.
Jeff will try to set up something at Broward College when possible.
We should monitor all the Hams that we test to make certain they stay on as club members. Joe and Melanie developed a handout which will be printed and given to people taking the test.
Maybe a “Work Shop meeting” would be a good idea to train new Hams.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:31 EST by President, Melanie
Fernandez, KJ4VCT.
Respectfully submitted by Roy Neiman KJ4EGN, Secretary.