Call to Order:
Meeting called to order by President Melanie Fernandez @ 7:34PM
by leading the group in the PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE.

ROLL CALL: Thirty people in attendance (30).
Minutes of previous meeting were approved.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Was given by Erik Olmer

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Joe McGee NX4T read the report
provided by Erik. 33 paid members so far. A few paid before the
meeting, as well as, some new members. One person is paid through

VE REPORT: Jeff Stahl KB4H had no testing today.

Ricky Eaton KD4HGR told us he and Eric Rodriguez will install the
new 146.61 antenna this Saturday (Feb.29th) he asked for us not to
use the repeater until the antenna is installed and tested. We can
listen and report after they are finished. It should be operational by
SEFTN Net time.

Our Boca Repeater is housed in a facility that just changed hands
and the new owners have been less than responsive in allowing us to
attend to it. Further attempts will be made before we consider moving

The DMR Repeater is working well.

Carol Sjursen KJ4AWB, asked that all the Boat Parade people that
plan to attend the Winterfest party to please RSVP right away.

Carol also announced that Steve Adams N4JRW is now a Silent Key.
She will advise us of the Memorial Service sometime in the future.
It was stated that the Repeater Council no longer exists, so it’s
possible to have overlapping Repeaters in the future.

Hope Smith W3ABE and Don Search W3AZD still need assistance as
a result of recent health issues. Contact Melanie Fernandez KJ4VCT
@ 954-560-3706 for ways to help them.

The Wings Plus Dinner will be on March 7th at 7 PM
The Spring Picnic/Mini Field Day at Vista View Park will be April 18th
from 10 AM to 4 PM. ALL the local clubs and Ham groups are invited.
Mike Wolfe will show the Field Day pictures at the March meeting.

Web Manager, John Cole N1QFH, asked for more Blog articles to be
submitted to him for publication on the website.

50/50 Drawing: Was won by Roy Neiman KJ4EGN

SPEAKER: Jeff Stahl sat up a game played through the participant’s
Smart phone. The questions were mostly Ham related & technical.
Everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Respectfully submitted in Roy Neiman KJ4EGN

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