Good morning my fellow hams! I wish you a joyous and bountiful week, full of the many blessings that we all need and desire.

First, I ask for good health for all of us as we isolate ourselves from this unseen, insidious virus, that has taken so many innocents already. It is just a powerful reminder to me that life is fragile, and every moment given to us must be cherished and appreciated. In my case, I give thanks to my Creator, who sees all, knows all and looks over all. To Him be the Glory.

Second, I ask that all people are taking this time to evaluate their lives, to do some introspection, and check to see if the way they are living their lives is consistent with what they believe they are on Earth for. This is important for ALL of us, no matter what beliefs we hold. Are we spending each moment, a gift of life, as we intend? Are we looking out for others in our daily lives? Are we cognizant of what is truly important in the act of living? “For where your Treasures lie, there is your heart”, from my favorite book.

Third, I ask that there is a great awakening in this country, a wizening of it’s people and a great ability to discern right from wrong . I ask that people really think on the premise on which this country is founded. I hope that they hold all elements intact as the forefathers wrote our constitution. Our forefathers came from tyranny and inequality of many types, and they wrote a document, our Constitution, from the lessons learned and the desire to go forward in a “more perfect union”. Let us not forget that.

I have asked that people submit to me their deepest desires or what they would like to share with their fellow hams but no one has responded yet. Please, do give thought to the days we are living in and share your thoughts with the rest of us. We are all interested in what everyone is thinking on, or , at least I am. I would like to share discourse with others.

As far as the Field Day planning is going, the Board is postponing any real planning until mid-May, the time we feel we may know for certain whether we will have to be ingenious and plant to broadcast from home, as a club, or whether we will again be privileged to meet at Quiet Waters Park. We will participate in any event and are thinking about both entities.

We are in the process of trying to put together a live presentation for the April 28th meeting. As our work bears fruit, I shall share the details. I really miss seeing  all of you and I hold you dear to my heart in so many ways, as volunteers, as loving and proactive people, and as many friends and hams that you have been.

Thank you to the many of you who have made donations to the club, in leiu of our not having had a meeting with income. Your generosity is a show of heart that all hams share. You are the most forward thinking and creative people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Even those, who choose to observe and support the club with their dues, are welcome and cherished. Not every sport demands an athlete, there must be room for the audience, as well. So, those who are not able to participate for various and assundry reasons are still appreciated and welcome.

Meanwhile, it is my fervent hope that all of you have the warmth of family and friends surrounding you and if not, that your isolation is not a negative experience. There is a lot of beauty being left to one’s thoughts and activities. I, myself, have not been bored, nor depressed in the solitude. I feel the positive energy all around me in this life, if not by humans who know and love me, then by the nature that surrounds me and goes on without missing a beat.

If anyone desires to talk and just say hi, feel free to call me. My door is always open and my ears still work well. If you would like to get in touch with someone in the club, send me your contact info and I will pass the message on to them so there can be some communication. My phone number is 954-560-3706.

May the Creator who designed us and Who is always aware of our situations through our prayers, continue to bless us all.  God bless the world as well as the USA!! May we continue to strive for the survival of ALL.

Melanie KJ4VCT

Note: I have been dropping off the Net at 6 pm because of microphone issues that I hope to clear up with the help of one of my Elmers’, Joe McGee. If I can, I would love to be on the FUN Net tonight at 7 pm and I invite all of you to try and make contact. It is indeed, be a FUN NET if you come!!!!!

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