Call to order – 7:06 p.m. in Zoom Portal

Barry Porter played a recording of the Star Spangled Banner.

Minutes of previous meeting on May 26, 2020 on website. Approved by group

Treasurer’s report by Erik Olmer W4EJO

Membership report. Joe McGee NX4T 82 Total Members

Testing Report: Jeff Stahl no testing yet, will advise when available.

Members present on this Zoom Meeting was 26

COVID-19 REPORT by Jeff Stahl K4BH we still need to be careful.

Repeater and HF report:

Ricky Eaton. 146.61 Repeater working well. He needs to update firmware to enable him to control with his PC.

HF Station, needs coax more to come.

Call for old business.

Thank you to Joe McGee for securing the new HF radio for our project at John Knox. Eric Rodriguez, Ricky Eaton and Joe are working on the antenna installation and testing soon.

Ricky stated that the Internet on the DMR Repeater is down. It should be up in 2-3 days.

Announcements. We haven’t heard from the Hospital regarding when we can use their facility again. All dinners, picnics are canceled until further notice. Zoom meeting only for now.

Field Day June 27 and 28. Please participate at home. Reports must state: Gold Coast Amateur Radio Association to be counted. N1MM report is preferred. Erik is hosting a 1A site. The Mayor, CERT Coordinator to attend. He plans to have a GOTA station.

Marty Falk says that the Don Search Memorial Plaque has been paid for by one of the South Florida clubs. Don and Hope attended most club meetings, dinners and Field Days. Roger Elliot suggested that we apply the money collected to purchase a memorial brick for Hope. A vote was taken and passed.

Kenny H. asked members to be a Net Control for the SEFTN, even if for only 1 day.

Carol Sjursen needs AREA/RACES volunteers for shelters.

Speaker: Robert Molleda from the National Weather Bureau. He stated that we’ve already had 4 named storms and an active season is anticipated. They have reduced the size of the “Cone.” It still is difficult to predict how many storms and their intensity. He said this season that Shelter in Place is preferred, due to the Coronavirus. Go to website: for latest information.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 PM

Respectfully submitted by Roy Neiman KJ4EGN, Secretary.

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