Call to Order – A board meeting of the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Association, Inc., held on Zoom, was called to order on Sunday, September 13, 2020, at 12:30 p.m. by President Melanie Fernandez, KJ4VCT.
Attendance – Board members present were Melanie Fernandez, KJ4VCT; Joe McGee, NX4T; Ricky Eaton, KD4HGR; Erik Olmer, W4EJO; Jeff Stahl, K4BH; and Mike Wolf, K2HXC; which was sufficient for a quorum. Guests present were Barry Porter, KB1PA, who provided the use of his Zoom account for the meeting; Carol Sjursen, KJ4AWB; and Ricki Witte, KJ4FSJ.
Memorial Bricks – There are sufficient funds for ARRL Memorial Bricks for Don Search, W3AZD, and Hope Smith, WB3ANE. Funds are still being accepted for bricks for Roy Nieman, KJ4EGN, and Chuck Gress, K3NXH.
While the families of brick honorees will receive letters from the ARRL, Melanie proposed sending a letter from the Association to the three widows and read a draft of such a letter. The board agreed.
Website – John Cole, N1QFH, will give individual instruction to board members in order that board members can post their own articles. Arrangements for a mutually convenient time should be made with John before the end of September.
Ricky Eaton reported the repeaters are working. The voter is still a problem, which appears to be either wiring or software. Ricky will help Hope Smith with programming her DMR radio.
HF Station – Joe McGee said the HF station was created to enable hams whose homeowner associations prohibit antennas to get on the air. Putting it on the repeater site did not work, so it was set up at Joe’s residence using his internet connection and 35-foot antenna. The station did not work with either of the two available routers so was hooked up without a router. It works, but interferes with Joe’s internet connection. So far, the station works on 40 and 20 meters. Some training for users is necessary, and Joe’s presentation at the last membership meeting was recorded and is on the website. Erik Olmer suggested small group training on Zoom, with the idea that individuals who learn to use the HF station will maintain contact with each other, promoting use of the station and club espirit de corps.
Audit – Ralph Tullo completed the audit of the treasurer’s records and found everything satisfactory. He suggested using an appropriate computer program because the treasurer changes periodically. After reviewing several, Ralph recommended MoneyMinder. Melanie asked everyone to look at the program, which costs about $159 a year, and be prepared to discuss and vote at the next board meeting.
Election of Officers – Al Flapan, AF4FA, will be asked one again to head the nominating committee and present a slate at the October general meeting. The election is at the November meeting. Present board members have indicated a willingness to continue. A secretary will be to be found to replace silent key, Roy Nieman.
Volunteers Needed – Barry Porter and Carol Sjursen spoke of the need for emergency volunteers, and there was a discussion of ideas to attract volunteers, including a video shot in one of the schools used as a shelter in the event permission could be obtained. The plan to use hotels as shelters will create additional challenges, since the hotels will not have antennas already on site.
Testing – Jeff Stah is still in the process of determining how to manage testing during the pandemic restrictions, either online (possible but complicated) or using a parking lot or public park and having test takers remain in their cars while taking the test, each one observed by a volunteer monitor.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:40 p.m.
Ricki Witte, KJ4FSJ
Secretary pro tem