Meeting Date: January 23, 2021
Minutes Submitted by Melanie Fernandez (KJ4VCT)
Gold Coast Amateur Radio Association
Board Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President Melanie Fernandez in the ZOOM format at 3:21PM. Absent was Secretary Charlie Artner. Resource people in attendance was RIcki Witte and Carol Sjursen.
It was decided after much discussion to make it a rule in the bylaws that only people with Amateur Radio Licenses be Members of GCARA. Others will be referred to as Guests. This was done so that member’s privileges would be reserved to hams only including, but not limited to, the use of the repeater, voting on club business, using HF Radio, etc.
A single membership would remain $30.00 and a family membership would remain the discounted $50.00 for a couple who are both hams.
Non HAMs will be guests.
A discussion was held whether it would be proper to waive the membership fees this year due to Covid-19 and what impact it would have on club finances to do so. A motion was made to waive the fees this year so that all may retain their membership throughout this difficult time. People who have paid already may (1) donate their dues, (2) use them as credit towards the year 2022, or (3) get a refund. The motion was seconded and carried.
The Treasurer, Erik Olmer, Started the Money Minders Program today for the accounting of the club funds. The budget was discussed, and the proposed budget was approved by the whole board present. The budget will be presented to the General Membership on January 26, 2021, General Meeting as it is. (Copy attached)
Treasurer Erik Olmer discussed with the Board the need for submitting the annual report and requested permission to pay the fees associated with it. Permission was granted.
The articles of Incorporation are signed and ready to be employed on
Erik will file the taxes for the 501 (c) (3) submission.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:37 PM
Respectfully submitted by President Melanie Fernandez